Monday, October 26, 2020

What is Jenkins Pipeline & Its Best Practices

What is a Jenkins pipeline?

A pipeline is a collection of jobs that brings the software from version control into the hands of the end users by using automation tools. It is a feature used to incorporate continuous delivery in software development workflow.

Pipeline Concepts

The below fundamentals are common to both, scripted and declarative pipeline:

1.    Pipeline: A user-defined block which contains all the stages. It is a key part of declarative pipeline syntax.

2.    Node: A node is a machine that executes an entire workflow. It is a key part of the scripted pipeline syntax.

3.   Agent: instructs Jenkins to allocate an executor for the builds. It is defined for an entire pipeline or a specific stage.

It has the following parameters:

·       Any: Runs pipeline/ stage on any available agent

·     None: applied at the root of the pipeline, it indicates that there is no global agent for the entire pipeline & each stage must specify its own agent

·       Label: Executes the pipeline/stage on the labelled agent.

·   Docker: Uses docker container as an execution environment for the pipeline or a specific stage.

1.   Stages: It contains all the work; each stage performs a specific task.

2.   Steps: steps are carried out in sequence to execute a stage

Jenkins Pipeline syntax example



     stage(‘SCM checkout’) {

          //Checkout from your SCM(Source Control Management)

          //For eg: Git Checkout


     stage(‘Build’) {

          //Compile code

          //Install dependencies

          //Perform Unit Test, Integration Test


     stage(‘Test’) {

          //Resolve test server dependencies

          //Perform UAT


     stage(‘Deploy’) {

          //Deploy code to prod server

          //Solve dependency issues




Schedule a build periodically

Jenkins uses Cron expressions to schedule a job. Each line consists of 5 fields separated by TAB or whitespace:


Syntax: (Minute Hour DOM Month DOW)

MINUTE: Minutes in one hour (0-59)

HOURS: Hours in one day (0-23)

DAYMONTH: Day in a month (1-31)

MONTH: Month in a year (1-12)

DAYWEEK: Day of the week (0-7) where 0 and 7 are sunday

Example: H/2 * * * * (schedule your build for every 2 minutes) 

Build Shared library for reusable logic

Refer this link

Common Mistakes to avoid in Jenkins

1.    Not storing pipeline code in Jenkinsfile

2.    Blocking Executor and waiting for Input

3. Repetition of similar pipeline steps

4. Creating large global variable declarations

Best Practices -


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Dotnet Core CLI useful commands

 .NET Core command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET Core applications. It comes handy when using Visual Studio Code (lightweight IDE for developers) 

Basic Commands :

  • new - create new item based on template.
dotnet new [console|classlib|web|mvc|angular|react|webapi]
  • build - build the solution or project
dotnet build
  • clean - clean the output directory of the project.
  • publish - publish the application and it dependencies to folder for deployment
  • run - start the application or project
  • sln - lists or modify solution file, for e.g. adding or deleting a project 
dotnet sln add <project_files>

dotnet sln remove <project_files> 

  • test - dotnet test driver to execute unit tests
  • help - to get more detailed information on any command

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